Dear SJSU 100a Students,
I am looking forward to helping you achieve your goals this semester! Please note that I use this blog and my website for all of my college courses, so there is no need to read through any other posts here (Of course, feel free to browse all you want!).
What I do need you to do is to download your course syllabus and order the Course Reader.
Please purchase the 100a Reader at the link below TODAY. You should buy the print version, which comes with a free digital version. You will need both the print (to bring with you to class) and the digital (to complete online homework assignments). Order the print version today to insure that you have the Reader when we begin using it in class.
What I do need you to do is to download your course syllabus and order the Course Reader.
Please purchase the 100a Reader at the link below TODAY. You should buy the print version, which comes with a free digital version. You will need both the print (to bring with you to class) and the digital (to complete online homework assignments). Order the print version today to insure that you have the Reader when we begin using it in class.
I have posted a copy of the English 100a course syllabus for this semester at the following link. If you lose your copy during the semester, then please download and print another copy. Please click this link and scroll down to the attachments (at the bottom of the page) to download your class fall 2013 course syllabus. All students are required to print and bring a copy of the course syllabus to the first day of class and to each subsequent meeting.
Together, we will make this a great semester!
By Stacey Knapp in Instructor Knapp
40 pages, published 8/1/2013
Complete Reader for students of English 100a. This reader includes an overview of rhetoric and includes instructions for all three essay assignments, peer review cover sheets, student model papers and associated learning links and lessons. Essay assignments include: Rhetorical Analysis Essay, Discipline Investigation Essay and Critical Reading Reflection Essay for Mike Rose's Lives on the Boundary. Students should buy the print and download the…