Instructor Knapp: Study Guide Technical Writing
Study Guide for Students of Engineering 100w. Engineering students: You do not need to purchase the print copy as we will only be utilizing the digital version in our computer lab. Feel free to download the PDF to read on your desktop (it's easier to navigate). However, I update the study guide…
By Stacey Knapp in Instructor Knapp
38 pages, published 8/15/2013
Complete interactive, multi-media course reader includes research-based lessons, key strategies, external reading links and assignments that prepare students for college-level reading and writing. Supports implementation of Common Core Language Arts Standards. Literature provided, but an informational text can be selected by instructor, or chosen through student interest in topic areas. Culminates in student run book club projects and…
By Stacey Knapp in Instructor Knapp
16 pages, published 8/8/2013
This course reader includes materials and lessons for an advanced composition course. Online links to reading and lessons can be utilized as classroom lectures via a projector or assigned as homework. Includes an overview of the essentials of rhetoric and composition, three complete customizable essay assignments with corresponding peer review cover sheets, and related lessons, links and directions scaffolded to build rhetorical knowledge.…
Instructor Knapp: College Reading 2
College Reading 2 has the same critical reading support as College Reading only without the fiction components making it an ideal supplement to support reading in any content course. College Reading 2 builds reading knowledge and works in conjunction with assigned informational texts. Includes…